Upcoming Events and Notices


CHAPEL OPEN DURING LENT: We invite you to use the Chapel as a place for individual prayer and meditation during Lent. There are various resources available there to help you, including readings, books of prayer, and other items. The Chapel will be open for quiet meditation throughout Lent on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after Morning Chapel Service (at 8 AM) until 1 PM. It can also be opened by appointment; just call the office to schedule another time if the regular times don’t work for you.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS SCHEDULE: Will be held on Fridays at 12 noon. The versions and the leaders will be:
Date                                  Leader                               Version
March 14                           Pat Rublaitus                     Everyone’s Way of the Cross
March 21                           Sr. Debbie Golwas             Women of the Passion
March 28                           Elizabeth Forbes                A Woman’s Way of the Cross
April      4                            Sr. Vanessa Gunther        Mary’s Way of the Cross
April    11                            Sheila Jaqubino                 The Way of the Cross
April    18(Good Friday)      Sherry Niermann           Journey with Jesus
HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SERVICE SCHEDULE: Palm Sunday is April 13; Easter is April 20. We will have the following Holy Week/Easter services:
Palm Sunday          April 13         8 AM Rite I service with Blessing of the Palms
                                                        10 AM Rite II service with Blessing of the Palms and Procession
Maundy Thursday April 17        7 PM Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing, Stripping of the Altar
                                                          8 PM – Good Friday 8 AM Maundy Thursday Watch
Good Friday           April 18          8 AM Liturgy to end the watch
                                                          12 PM Stations of the Cross
                                                          7 PM Veneration of the Cross
Holy Saturday        April 19        7 PM The Great Vigil of Easter with Liturgy of the New Fire
Easter Morning      April 20       8 AM Rite I Easter Service
                                                        10 AM Rite II Easter Service


March 30: NEXT WEEK IS 5TH SUNDAY! This means one combined service followed by a fellowship brunch. We do this on 5th Sundays throughout the year to allow folks who attend 8 o’clock or 10 o’clock services to meet and interact with each other. Afterwards, we share a meal to celebrate our community and each other. The service will be at 9 am on Sunday, March 30.