Serving at Eucharist
Is God calling you to a life of serving at the altar? Do you feel a nudge toward proclaiming the word of God, assisting the priest and deacon during worship, or serving at Christ’s table? Then you may want to explore these ministry opportunities. Training is provided for all with some being licensed by the Bishop.
Eucharistic Ministers assist at the altar in a variety of ways; some assist the priest and deacon by offering everyone present the cup of wine, the Blood of Christ, sharing it in a way that is welcoming to Christ’s family. Other tasks include reading the first lesson, leading the congregation in the reciting of the psalm, lighting and extinguishing the candles, carrying the cross, receiving the offerings. Training is provided. Those who serve find a deep connection to the liturgy and consider their service to be both a privilege and an honor.
Eucharistic Visitors serve God by taking the Sacrament from the table to those who are absent during Sunday worship. Following their own nurturing and renewal during the Eucharist, they are sent forth by the church to be “Christ Bearers”… connecting those they visit with the larger Body of Christ. It is this act of connecting those absent with those present at the Table that makes us all one.
Worship Leaders serve God by serving as the leaders at a variety of public services. These worship leaders are especially visible at St Luke’s by leading services of Morning and Evening Prayer.
Lectors serve by sharing the reading of scripture and by leading the congregation in the Prayers of the People. Are you called to help others open their ears and hearts to Christ’s message? Do you love sharing the Bible with others? Then perhaps this is the ministry for you.
Altar Guild is responsible for the care and preparation of the altar, linens, vestments, brass, silver, candles and flowers. In a word, the Altar Guild makes our worship spaces ready for worship. Working in teams, this vital ministry prepares for weekly worship plus special services including weddings, funerals, and memorial services.
Choir. The mission of the Chancel Choir is to enhance worship through music. To do this, we closely follow the lectionary for each service, using the Scriptures as the base for choosing music so there is harmony in the whole experience. We do a variety of styles, and sing with joy and love in our hearts. The choir sings from September through June, rehearsing on Wednesday from 1:30 to 3:00, and Sunday morning immediately after the 8:00 service. We sing for the 10:00 service on Sunday, and for special services throughout the Liturgical Year as it is appropriate. Anyone who wants to “Make a Joyful Noise” is invited to try us out; you will be made welcome!
Flower Ministry. Each week following the services on Sunday, this dedicated group of parishioners delivers the altar flowers to the sick, shut-ins or caregivers. Sharing the glory of flowers is sharing the glory of God and lifts the spirits of both the ones receiving and the ones delivering.
Centering Prayer. First practiced by the Desert Fathers and Mothers and within monastic orders, contemplative/centering prayer was taught to the laity beginning in the 70s by Fr. William Menninger, Fr. Basil Pennington, and Fr. Thomas Keating. Centering prayer is a method of finding peace at the center by opening the mind, heart, and whole being to the Ultimate Mystery through a meditation period of at least 20 minutes of silence. Centering is the process of gently quieting the mind and releasing all thoughts like leaves floating down stream. Fr. Keating considers this “not a prayer of attention, but of intention.” One simply lets go, sinks into Inner Stillness, and gently rests within God’s Presence. Centering Prayer meets in the chapel every Thursday at 11:30am.
Ushers/Greeters. These men and women serve as the welcoming committee for St Luke’s. In addition to greeting each person as they arrive, the ushers and greeters hand out bulletins for the service, answer questions about the service, arrange for the bread and wine to come forward for the Eucharist, pass the collection plates and serve as guides during communion. Following the service, the ushers/greeters provide an attendance number for the records and generally straighten up the sanctuary. Additionally, the greeters help make visitors, guests and newcomers feel welcome.